Legend about foundation of Budva
Budva is known for its status of the oldest town on the Adriatic shore. In its tragedy titled “Oicle”, written in the 5th century B.C., Sophocles mentioned the town as the Illyrian town of Bathoe. The Greek writer Pseudo-Skilak mentioned the same name in the 4th century B.C.. The Greek writers Plynie and Ptolomei mentioned Budva under the name Butua, i.e., Budva (it is considered as the original Illyrian name). By the legend, Cadmus, the son of the Phoenician King Agenor and Queen Telephassa, and his wife Harmony founded it. Being expelled from Thebes, they arrived to the territory settled by Encheleis, an Illyrian tribe, in an ox-puled chariot, and founded the settlement there. It is considered that Budva was named after the oxen that had driven the chariot (Greek notion BOUS means OX.).
So, according to the legend, founders of Budva were Cadmus and his wife, Harmonia.
Women vocal group
Women vocal group was originally founded in 1983, as section of the Cultural Society "Kanjos" from Budva. From 1989. it started working independently under the name "Harmonija". Prominent journalist and translator Bratislav Kokolj was inspired by the legend of foundation of Budva, and he suggested that "Harmonija" should be the name of the vocal group, what was gladly accepted by the members of the group at that time.